Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Half Way to Summer...

WOW! Half way done with my second year of teaching! That's completely amazing to me!! It seems just yesterday that I was a ball of nerves for my very first day teaching. I remember it so well. I couldn't hardly drive to school that morning, because I was so incredibly nervous. I remember getting some good advice for those first few days..."Even if you don't know what you're doing, just make it look like you do.". I really did live by those words there at the very beginning! Now, it's a different story. I am completely comfortable with my kiddos, and things run pretty smoothly for us each day.

I really do enjoy my job so much. These kids are some of the funniest people that I know. They can turn a bad day into a good one just by the funny things that they say. It's so cool even just in the middle of the year to see how far they have come since I've had them. The end result really does make it all worth it; it's so fulfilling to be a part of their learning and progression as little beings.

Trent is starting to sit up now. We have to be ready to catch him if he falls over, but he's just about got it. He's teething again now too, so he has been a bit more fussy. What a joy he is to our family! This little boy is a blessing from heaven, and I don't think any of us cease to give thanks to the Lord for blessing our lives with his precious life. I know that I am thankful that through difficult circumstances, God knows just how to handle them in the most perfect way. Brenton and I have surely taken on the big brother and big sister roles; Dad is amazing with him, and Mom always knows what to do to make him as happy as possible. Brenton and Daddy constantly fight over which team he will like: Georgia or Alabama? Of course, my vote is UGA all the way! Brenton got him a little Bama football for Christmas, and Daddy got him some Georgia gear too. Hopefully, he will turn in to a little Bulldog as he grows up!

I'm looking forward to the birth of my best friend, Ingrid's little bundle of joy, Ethan. He is due in just about 5 weeks, and he's sure to be a beautiful little boy! Ingrid has done a great job on his nursery; it is just adorable! I can't wait to be in the hospital waiting room and the excitement of his arrival. "Aunt Brooke" can't wait to hold little Ethan!!! Love you, Ingrid...and tell Ethan to hurry up, we are ready to meet him! :)

I have pictures from Christmas that I need to load on my computer that I will post soon! :)


1 comment:

Sean and Ingrid said...

Aw, you're so sweet. I can't wait either. I just posted an update last night from my last appt, telling about my "progress". lol Love you too!