Monday, October 27, 2008

Last Competition and the Weekend...

We had our final competition on Saturday at Roswell High School. WE WON! The girls did awesome, and I'm so glad that the judges thought so too! It was a great way to end the season! No we have sectionals and state that we will go to with Varsity, but our season is done, so NO MORE LATE NIGHT PRACTICES! That's definitely the best part. I have really enjoyed coaching, but I'm ready for a break. I've missed my friends and family. I haven't got to spend as much time with them since we've been in season.

We had our Fall Festival at school on Friday night. It was a great success even though it had to be moved inside due to the rain. J and I had a booth/game, and it was a huge hit! My room mom did a great job organizing it! It was fun, but I was definitely very tired by the end of it. By the time it was said and done, I had been at school for about 13 hours that day. I was definitely ready to go home! I did buy a super cute purse for winter, and I'm super excited about that.

Saturday night, Rachel and I went out and she crashed at my place. We were definitely at the Waffle House at like 2 in the morning. There's really nothing like that! Haha! We had fun hanging out, and I'm having fun getting to know her. I believe that the Lord placed us in each other's lives at just the right time...when we needed each other the most.

This week should be kinda calm which is a huge plus. Friday night, I'm going trick or treating with Julie and the kids. Lauren is a witch, Lindy is a gypsy, and Chandler is Mario. They will be adorable as always I'm sure. Friday is also Pay Day, which is always a great day! :)

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