Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Strep Throat...How Nice

So, I started feeling a bit yucky this weekend. I woke up yesterday morning to get ready for school and felt VERY yucky. I went on to school but made a doctor's appointment for after school. Well...went to the doctor and TA DA!!!......strep throat. How fun, how nice, how wonderful. No, I don't think so. So, I am now on anti-biotics and at home in my bed wishing I was at school for all of the fun St. Patty's Day festivities with my sweet kiddos. AND...I won't get to wear my cute St. Patrick's Day shirt that I got. This is not good. I am totally bummed and really hope the fever goes away so I can go back to school tomorrow. Doctor said take two days off, but if I'm better, I'm going back tomorrow. I do not like missing work.

Okay, I'm done whining.


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